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State-of-the-art logistics for automotive suppliers – between growth, efficiency and technology


Customers can grow flexibly with Schäflein – Logistics for automotive suppliers

A few weeks ago, the starting signal was given in Röthlein for a new partnership: Schäflein AG is now handling the complete aftermarket logistics for one of the largest system suppliers in the automotive industry for the next ten years. With state-of-the-art warehouse technology, an automated, robot-controlled AutoStore small parts warehouse and sustainable benefits for the Main-Franconia region, the logistics expert masters logistics for automotive suppliers.

Logistik für Automobilzulieferer

Autostore is the ideal logistics technology for automotive suppliers

A major logistics project from the automotive supply industry with even greater potential

Upon entering the modern 25,000 square metre warehouse in Röthlein, it becomes clear that the interplay of logistics expertise, IT, technology and qualified personnel makes the decisive difference here. Up to 20,000 order items are processed every day. In addition to the robot-controlled, automated small parts warehouse, a pallet warehouse is also operated for larger goods and merchandise.

Not much time passed between the contract and the go-live: on the one hand, thanks to Schäflein’s industry expertise and technical experience. Secondly, thanks to the subsidiary EIKONA – a specialist in logistics IT. Interfaces and connections to the customer’s warehouse management system and SAP systems were ensured and the project started at the end of August 2021. Picking, order picking and dispatch of the aftermarket goods run quickly and efficiently. And growth has already been factored into this project. Expansion of the warehouse is also possible. This has a fundamental advantage for the customer: in the event of increased demand, they do not have to free up capacity such as space or personnel, as this is taken over and ensured by Schäflein.

“Customers can grow with Schäflein. When the market and demand increase, we have the opportunity to scale storage, processes and transport,” explains Achim Schäflein, CEO of Schäflein AG.

Schäflein not only handles the warehouse logistics, but also the transport to the end customer: Most of the goods are dispatched directly via Schäflein Spedition. As the freight forwarder’s transshipment centre is only a stone’s throw away, this is a huge benefit as it ensures fast and efficient delivery. This is also an important concern for Schäflein: More intelligent networking and route planning to sustainably save emissions and resources.


Experience for the future – successful logistics for automotive suppliers

Schäflein AG was one of the first logistics service providers in Germany to put an AutoStore storage system into operation. The reason for the joint project: the expertise and experience in implementing the robot-controlled small parts warehouse and integrating it into the respective system environments. With a contract term of 10 years, both companies are demonstrating that they see their collaboration as a genuine partnership. This also has a positive effect on the Mainfranken region.


Schäflein AG hired more than 150 new employees during the go-live, creating future-proof jobs. The trend is rising, because Schäflein allows customers to grow flexibly. This is also confirmed by Achim Schäflein: “We plan for the long term and together with our customers. This allows them to focus on their core competences and open up new growth areas. In the automotive industry, this applies in particular to the development of sustainable technologies. We are therefore happy to enter into such a partnership.”

This awareness of sustainability is also reflected in the new project: photovoltaic systems supply emission-free energy.



AutoStore is an automated small parts storage system. The goods are stacked in bins (BINs) on top of each other and without aisles in an aluminium frame. Robots store the goods, dig them out when they are ordered and take them to the picking stations. The principle: the goods come to the people and not the people to the goods. The picking speed is enormous thanks to robot technology and the intelligent system. The AutoStore sorts itself through the ordering processes. The advantages: Considerable speed, high reliability as the robots can replace each other, energy efficiency and scalability as well as reduced space and labour requirements. This storage technology is therefore particularly suitable for spare parts logistics in the automotive supply industry.

With 77,000 BINs, 54 robots and a picking speed of up to 20,000 picks per day, the Schäflein AutoStore is extremely efficient – and the trend is rising.


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Do you have any questions or would you like more information? We’ll be pleased to help.

Just give us a call or write to us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Schäflein AG

Am Etzberg 7

97520 Röthlein

phone: +49 (0) 9723 9069-0

fax: +49 (0) 9723 9069-150

email: info@schaeflein.de